Blog Oskar Molina

martes, mayo 21, 2013

Open project: IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert - Power Systems with AIX v3

Public: AIX / Unix System administrators
Materials: WordpressVLP Program and Prometric user
Objective: IBM certified engineer
Date limit 31/12/2013


This certification requires 5 test(s).
Test(s) required:
Click on the link(s) below to see test details, test objectives, suggested training and sample tests.
  1. Test 000-108 - Enterprise Technical Support for AIX and Linux -v2
  2. Test 000-109 - Virtualization Technical Support for AIX and Linux - v2
  3. Test 000-221 - AIX 7 Administration
  4. Test 000-332 - High Availability for AIX - Technical Support and Administration -v2
  5. Any 1 of the following tests:
    1. Test 000-089 - System x Technical Fundamentals V11
    2. Test 000-451 - IBM Midrange Storage Technical Support V3
    3. Test 000-958 - Enterprise Storage Technical Support V3
    4. Test 000-968 - High-End Disk for Open Systems V2
    5. Test 000-969 - High-End Tape V6

Open project: Dessign laptop for virtualitzation

Open project Name: Dessign laptop for virtualitzation (Id: 2)

Public: System or storage administrators and advanced users
Materials: Wordpress
Requeriments: nothing
Objective: Dessign a Linux laptop to run simultaneus 4 virtual servers
Duration: 30 days - date limit 21/06/2013


  1. Budget (€): minum 600 / disered 800 / maximum 1000
  2. Laptop usage: Sys admin, trainer and lab, software development
  3. Dockstation and screen size notebook (17") are required
  4. Dessign laptop for virtualization. Simultaneos execution of 4 virtual machines: 2 servers running Linux, 1 workstation with MacOS/Win or Solaris and 1 virtual machine as simulator of Netapp or IBM XiV Storage System
  5. Other specifications: Optical media - Blueray and DVD writter

domingo, mayo 19, 2013

Open project: English4free

The dawning of Open project concept

Open project Name: English4free (Id: 1)
Public: Anyone who wants to learn
Materials: Computer with internet connection and wordpress
Requeriments: Intermediate english level B1 or equivalent
Objective: Pass B2 advanced level at any official school of languages in Spain. First titulation at Cambridge
Duration: 30 days - date limit 17/06/2013 20:00hrs pm

viernes, mayo 17, 2013

EOI de Catalunya

1. Informació general

2. Resultats de l'inscripció

3. Resultat de l'examen

Qualificacions definitivesData publicació: 27/06/2013 12:55

27/06/2013 - 10:44
Certificat de nivell avançat - Anglès
EOI de Barcelona (Barcelona)
No apte/a (50,49)

viernes, mayo 10, 2013

IBM Certified Administrator - Tivoli Storage Manager V6.2

Test 000-539 - IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.2 Administration